Five ways

Five Ways to Keep Warm This Winter Without Using an HVAC Contractor


To quote House Stark (don’t worry, no more Game of Thrones references here! We’re a family-friendly blog): “Winter is coming.” It’s almost time to kick up that heater and keep your house toasty and warm. But it’s been quite a while since you’ve had to turn it on: do you know if it’s in tip-top shape?

Let’s say you don’t call us for a tune-up; let’s say, during the winter, your heating system cuts out and you’re stuck without heat. How will you keep warm? If you need some inspiration, we’ll provide some for you!


cold dalmationVia Gifimage


Huddle Up With Some Friends!

Your friends probably think just like you: “No need to have your heating looked after! Everything will be great!” Why don’t you all get together and help each other get warm? Go to the house of the friend with the most blankets and oven mitts and play something like Twister!

Just, ah, maybe be careful of the snowcones.

monsters inc with yellow snow coneVia Blogspot

Warm Hugs

If there’s one thing we learned from Disney movies, it’s that the power of love can warm anyone up, even those with family members who control the weather. So when your thermostat cuts out or your heat exchanger is clogged, sing a little song, hum a little tune, and hope that the power of family bonds will keep you warm through the long Canadian winter.  


olaf likes warm hugsVia Tumblr


Pretend The Snow Isn’t There

Love is one thing, but what about imagination? If you simply think about warmth and pretend that the ice, snow, and cold winds aren’t there, you can get through the winter without having to think about the furnace, too!

snoopy and woodstock snowVia Mashable

Yeah, Snoopy’s right: it’s a bad plan.

Bundle Up

When a faulty ignition knocks out your heating system in the middle of January, don’t bother getting it fixed. Just start layering pound upon pound of winter clothing as your house becomes colder than the winter Apocalypse happening outside.

Sure, you might not be able to move your arms or swivel your head, but you’ll be pretty warm!


Five Ways to Keep Warm This Winter Without Using an HVAC Contractor 1Via Giphy

Build a Fire

Fire is what kept our ancestors warm, going back not even 150 years (give or take). So who cares if you don’t have things like “firewood” or “a fireplace.” If it was good enough for your Ice Age cousins back in their cave 12,000 years ago, it’s good enough for you!


Home Alone- flame throwerVia Tenor


Wait, no, don’t do that. Don’t do any of that! Make sure you have you furnace checked out before winter strikes.

Don’t get cold feet – call us today!

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